
One of the most complex, technical, and demanding tasks in the payments industry is implementing and launching a Neobank and EMV Card Program. The regulatory knowledge and technical skills required to implement – on time and on budget – are beyond most institutions, outside of the traditional banking industry.

SimSec have assembled a team with a unique combination of regulatory knowledge, coding, and technical skills, and most valuable of all – recent experience implementing our Neobank software and EMV Card Programs. That experience means they know the pitfalls and the pressure points, and how to navigate the inevitable hurdles.

Having worked for decades in the EMV and Card industry our team have extensive industry contacts and a network of payment processing partners that can blend the complex interaction of Acquirer and Issuer, as well as between manufacturer and Personalisation houses, to ensure your Card Program works smoothly.

Contact us now. Do not go through the stress, and do not waste your money and your resources trying to implement and launch your Neobank and EMV Card Program – get in touch with our experienced team and ask us how we can help you achieve your Neobank and EMV outcomes on time and on budget. We will not sugar-coat or trivialise what needs to be done – or how much it will cost. We will give you a totally realistic proposal that will spell out the process, the timelines (and deadlines) as well as the investment required. Then we will deliver.


Contact us today for a quote